Our Story

A few weeks ago while on vacation, our family was contemplating names for our newest addition, who was to arrive in August. The name “Story” was my favorite as it made me think of how God was creating a new life and a new story through which to tell of …

Treasuring Up

My heart is bursting! Here I am again at Christmas time receiving another of the greatest gifts imaginable. Oh Lord, Your love, grace, and mercy truly know no bounds! I will never understand why You’ve chosen to bless me so abundantly, but I am filled with gratitude! This is such …

All the Things

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Oh, how I love this verse. I’ve known it well since childhood, thanks to a sweet eighth grade teacher, who taught it to our class in the …