“The crowd joined in the attack against Paul and Silas, and the magistrates ordered them to be stripped and beaten with rods. After they had been severely flogged, they were thrown into prison, and the jailer was commanded to guard them carefully. When he received these orders, he put them in the inner cell and fastened their feet in the stocks. About midnight Paul and Silas were praying and singing hymns to God, and the other prisoners were listening to them.”               Acts 16:22-25

Paul and Silas were in jail and they were singing hymns and praising God following a FLOGGING. Do you think they were just naturally joyful all the time – even after a severe beating? I doubt it. I don’t know anyone like that. Their praising and happy heart were a choice. They knew God was behind the scenes working all things out for their good, and so they CHOSE to praise the One they trusted most. I often try to compare myself to people in the Bible, and I’d like to think I would respond the same way. Sometimes I truly tell myself, “Yep. If that happened to me, I’d praise God and trust Him to work all things out.” And then BAM! I find myself complaining in the midst of some small difficulty in my life. I can’t even keep my attitude in check when my kids leave toys laying around after cleanup time.
Do I walk around my house praising God for the trials I’m facing right now? If I’m honest, I more often think things like, “When this passes, I’ll have time to sit and read my Bible.” “When things aren’t so hectic, I’ll make a consistent prayer time.” The problem is, there is no real trial free time in our lives.

A few months ago, I was so proud of myself (I told you – this is my sin) because I had been running for several months straight. I felt like that time was given by God to allow me some quiet time with Him. The minute my feet hit our driveway rocks I would begin praying and wouldn’t end until I returned to the same spot. It. was. Glorious. War was waged during that precious time. I felt the Spirit move and speak to me with Scripture I had memorized. But then Jason began working overtime, leaving before the sun rose and returning after it set. I felt like my ant bed had been kicked over. I scrambled to find a way to keep a steady prayer time and incorporate some exercise as well to keep me feeling good. After a while, I did it! It was rough and the prayer time wasn’t quite as consistent, but I was certain I could establish a new habit after a few more weeks. Then the freeze came and a water pipe burst in the attic causing the ceiling to fall through, ruining sheetrock and carpet. Ant bed knocked over again. So I’m currently writing this on my bed in the living room with all the furniture crammed around me.

It’s been a month since that happened, and I’ve still not developed a new consistent prayer time (or exercise routine for that matter. Healthy eating out the window!) This isn’t even a major thing. We have been able to continue living in our home and keep a steady life routine. And yet I have made excuses for not continuing in the things I know are most important. But through these verses I am moved to give God the time, praise, and devotion He deserves. No matter what circumstance comes my way, it is in my best interest to establish a new routine for drawing close to God each day. Nothing else comes close to the importance of this.

Father, I pray that You lead us daily in Your way. When big and small trials come, enable us to stay committed to the disciplines that lead us to You and the joy only You can give. Thank You for the peace and hope You give those that follow You. Keep us rejoicing and praising when we feel like we just can’t. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.