“In the house of the wise are stores of choice food and oil, but a foolish man devours all he has.” Proverbs 21:20 (old NIV)

The kids and I have been reading a Proverb a day along with our regular Bible reading and discussing its meaning. Proverbs 21:20 particularly caught our interest. On the surface, this verse speaks of the wisdom of saving our money and resources versus the foolishness of squandering all we have. However, a deeper truth lies within this scripture.

A wise woman will utilize her time and resources to store up “choice food and oil” in her heart and mind in order to be able to lavishly bestow these treasures to her children, her husband, and those around her. Spending time in the Word, communing with God, and reading and listening to godly messages throughout each week fill the pantry in a woman’s heart with the highest quality goods that she can offer to a hungry community around her. She will not waste her time filling her mind with worldly TV shows, low quality reads, and other temporary pleasures. Dry bread crumbs and dollar store cookies simply won’t do! I deeply desire to be this woman and am praying that God will help me in this endeavor.

Father, thank You for Your Word that directs us and fills us with choice treasures. Please help me to be the wise woman who fills the pantry of her heart and mind with only the highest quality goods that I may be able to show the richness and fullness of Your benefits. Help me to say no to temporary pleasures that have no lasting value. In Jesus’ name, amen.