Hello and welcome! As this is my first post, I must let you know who I am and tell you a little bit about myself. I am the wife to an amazing husband and a mom to five fabulous kids, all the result of God’s grace, blessing, and love. (Yes, I know… everyone says they have an amazing husband and fabulous kids, but I really do!) I enjoy talking, reading, writing, teaching, being outdoors, and painting, at none of which I’m very good. In fact, I’ve been blatantly faced with my shortcomings in each area. Talking often finds me with my foot in my mouth, I never seem to reach my reading resolutions I set each New Year’s, my grades on writing assignments in my college English class were always less than ideal, I made a D in art and have been asked in my adult life which of my children painted the “masterpiece” I had just completed. I’ve never had something at which I felt I truly excelled. Even the things I know God’s given me to enjoy are humbling experiences. But I thank the Lord for this. I tend to be a prideful person, of which God recognized well before I did. He knows exactly what I need to keep me turning to Him instead of trying to run my own show.

Unfortunately, I spent years doing just that, though. I tried to control my own life, as well as those of my husband and kids. The result became a house in shambles. I was the foolish woman from Proverbs 14:1 that was tearing down her home without even realizing it. Now, keep in mind, I wanted my family and myself to be godly. I so desperately wanted to do things the right way, but I trusted in my own plan rather than allowing God to work without my intruding.

Have you ever tried to cut your kids’ hair? You want to save the money or hassle of going to the salon, so you get your scissors, watch a YouTube video, and determine to do the best possible job. It’s just a trim, after all. You cut across the bottom and then realize it’s shorter on one side. Simple fix- just snip more off the other side. Wait, now it’s crooked. Snip more… step back…uh-oh. Either you keep trying to correct the problem until your child has no hair or you admit fault and hand it over to the master barber.

It’s like that. I tried desperately to whip my family into shape until I realized I needed to hand them over to my Master. I’m a sinner- plain and simple. (I thought about opening with that, but figured I’d be wiser to work that somewhere in the middle.) I can’t even fix myself – much less others. So now I simply want to follow God and leave the rest up to Him.

So in this space, it is my desire that you will find resources and encouragement to help you build your house by submitting to the Master Builder. I’m not writing this blog to show off some skill or pretend I’m a perfect wife, mom, or Christian. In fact, I’m doing it in spite of my lack of skill and perfection. My prayer is that He chooses me to reach even one. My intention for this space is to share Scripture as it relates to everyday struggles and triumphs. There will be mistakes, of that much I’m sure. However, each entry will be doused with prayer, along with those who read my post. Always feel free to email any prayer requests or comments! Thanks for stopping by!

“The wise woman builds her house,
but with her own hands the foolish one tears hers down.” Proverbs 14:1

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