The first book I read by Sally Clarkson changed the dynamic in our home. One of the biggest impressions on me was made when I read her conviction on the verse “Greater love has no one than this: to lay down one’s life for one’s friends.” (John 15:13) She conveyed that our greatest love is shown for our children when we sacrifice our very lives for them- our time, expectations, sleep, chores, schedule. If I had to sum up the theme of her ministry, I would say it is to reach our children’s hearts by daily showering them with unconditional love. When we lay aside our own needs and desires in order to connect with our children (like Christ did for us), we are enabling them to experience and have a personal relationship with Jesus.

I have read most of her books, as well as two by her husband, Clay. They are unlike other parenting books in that they don’t give specific formulas or methods. The Clarksons simply point the reader to the Word and share insights from the wisdom God has given them. Their testimonies have made me want to grow in my own relationship with the Lord and have inspired me to pursue grace-filled relationships within my home.

If you want to cultivate and maintain a close relationship with your child and you realize the importance of grounding them in Christ, I am confident you will be encouraged by The Life Giving Parent. This book is distinct from their others in that they have joined together to write it for both moms and dads to read together or individually. I have enjoyed this one and am convinced that no matter how many I read by them, I will always take away new insight. There is a Bible study discussion guide called The Lifegiving Parent Experience that may be purchased to go along with the book. Both are currently available for pre-order and will be released on May 1st. If you’d to check it out or preorder your own copy, visit