“Do everything without grumbling or arguing, so that you may become blameless and pure, ‘children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.’ Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky as you hold firmly to the word of life. And then I will be able to boast on the day of Christ that I did not run or labor in vain.” Philippians 2:14-16

“And he said: ‘Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven. Therefore, whoever takes the lowly position of this child is the greatest in the kingdom of heaven.'” Matthew 18:3-4

We recently went on a long trip in which all seven of us were in a vehicle for two days. I was so excited about it and yet so anxious at the same time. How would it work with this many kids and potential potty stops? How would my 19- month-old do for that long in a car with only a few quick stops to get food and change his diaper? What would he think when he had to sleep in a foreign place?

Well to my happy surprise, it went so smoothly! J was perfectly content through it all. He sat looking around, playing with books and toys, and napping off and on. He ate when food was presented, not constantly needing snacks like I thought may happen. He quietly looked at me during diaper changes, which often took place in odd spots. He smiled and laughed when he was carried into gas stations, happily being buckled again when time to go.

Things do not always go this easily, I assure you, and I’m definitely not saying all this to brag about how well- behaved my children are. Rather, I will confess something to you… again. I am not this easy- going with my heavenly Father. When things in my life don’t go as expected or seem a bit complicated, I throw a fit. I could win an Olympic medal for whining and complaining. There are so many times I’ve been knocked off my routine and have scrambled to get my groove back, only to find that it was a necessary part of the wonderful plan God had for me. Other times, however, I may never understand why I can’t have my way. But do I trust that God has my best in mind? Think about this: my son had absolutely no idea why he was harnessed in a seat for two days, why he couldn’t run wild when finally able to put his feet on the ground, why he had to lay on a hard surface to be changed, and why he had to sleep between two sisters. But he trusted us enough to go along with it all contentedly.

My prayer is that I will have this type of faith with my Father. I don’t want to just pray to do His will and then complain when the going gets tough. I want to contentedly accept each difficulty and challenge. Yes, even the small everyday things like dropping a favorite dish, the toilet overflowing, and my kids arguing or whining about something I’ve asked them to do. (Wonder where they learned that??) I want to allow my Father to carry me around, conducting the schedule, circumstances, and events. I want to be the lowly child of which Jesus speaks in Matthew- completely and utterly dependent on Him.

Lord, thank You for molding and shaping me even as I struggle against You. Forgive my stubbornness and my need for control. Please humble me and help me to submit to You in every area of my life. When I rise in the morning, remind me to place my day and plans in Your hands. Change my thoughts that I may view total dependency on You as my ultimate goal. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.