“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28

Oh, how I love this verse. I’ve known it well since childhood, thanks to a sweet eighth grade teacher, who taught it to our class in the form of a catchy song. For years, I imagined myself happily checking off my to-do list, playing in the sunshine, and having as much fun as possible while God was working everything out for me. What a bummer when no day in my life ever fit that  image.

One day my eyes opened to the true meaning of this passage. In January 2012, I felt God calling me to change the direction of my life- a direction so opposite of my current path, I almost ignored Him. My plans were acceptable, even applaudable, by others’ standards. The new route was sure to make me look crazy, extreme, and foolish. My whole family would be affected if it failed. However, they were already experiencing consequences from my control-it-all tendencies.

After much prayer, I jumped head first into a brand new lifestyle. Following the scary big decisions, came the overload of small and seemingly less important choices. Because my new way of living could cave in at any minute without God sustaining it, I wanted every choice I made to honor Him. The way we dressed, the music we played, the shows we watched, the words we said, and the events in which we participated, were to be in line with His will for our lives.

If I want God to work ALL THINGS out for my good, I must give Him ALL THE THINGS. You know that little saying, “You can’t outgive God”? This simple truth has been proven time and again in my life.  Each time our family chooses to give up something we love in order to please God, He pours out blessings. Our peace is great, and we no longer derive happiness from things that harm our relationship with Him. Rather, joy and contentment are present in our lives as He fulfills His purpose for us. C. S. Lewis once stated, “It would seem that Our Lord finds our desires not too strong, but too weak. We are half-hearted creatures, fooling about with drink and sex and ambition when infinite joy is offered us, like an ignorant child who wants to go on making mud pies in a slum because he cannot imagine what is meant by the offer of a holiday at the sea. We are far too easily pleased.”

It’s one thing to make the hard decisions for yourself, but it’s a whole different animal when you have to make them for your children. Our kids were accustomed to a certain way of living that was pretty easy and fun (I thought). I was so scared to make changes, thinking it would cause resentment in them against us. Even now, I worry when making decisions for them to forgo participating in things everyone else enjoys. But God is so good! Why would I think He would make us do something that would turn our kids from us and ultimately Him? Though the initial choice brought some groaning and complaining, the girls almost always communicate their gratefulness for the changes after a time. And the work God is doing in their hearts is phenomenal to me. They are so tender to Him and genuinely want to please Him. I pray God continues this work in their lives, and that they learn to give Him all the things as they grow.

Do you have any things that must be given over to God? Maybe you give Him parts of your life but feel that it’s just way too hard to give up certain areas. Maybe you fear your children will hate you if you don’t allow certain things. If you give it all up, God WILL replace it with better. However, it won’t be easy in the beginning. Others won’t understand, and you will most likely face opposition. Cling to the Father and trust Him to work it all out for your good!

Father, I thank You for the promise embedded in Romans 8:28. Grant us the wisdom to understand the full meaning of it, and the discernment to know what You are calling us to hand over to You. Please guide us as we give You every piece of our lives. Help us to hold fast to our decisions to follow You alone. And then open our eyes to see the tremendous blessings that You bestow. May our hearts always be grateful to You. In Jesus name I pray, amen.

“Those who belong to Christ Jesus have crucified the flesh with its passions and desires. Since we live by the Spirit, let us keep in step with the Spirit.” Galatians 5:24-25