Treasuring Up

My heart is bursting! Here I am again at Christmas time receiving another of the greatest gifts imaginable. Oh Lord, Your love, grace, and mercy truly know no bounds! I will never understand why You’ve chosen to bless me so abundantly, but I am filled with gratitude! This is such …

All the Things

“And we know that for those who love God all things work together for good, for those who are called according to his purpose.” Romans 8:28 Oh, how I love this verse. I’ve known it well since childhood, thanks to a sweet eighth grade teacher, who taught it to our class in the …


Jason and I attended a massive worship rally at Texas Motor Speedway this weekend, where we were able to work as prayer volunteers for a few hours. Many speakers, singers, and bands joined to host this free event with the focus of bringing people together in unity to have real …


Dinner guests. Birthday parties. Company over. What comes to mind when you hear these phrases? If you’re like me, visions of detailed cleaning and cooking instantly pop up. I want to make my home a welcoming, comforting environment for all who enter. Taking out the trash is always the last …