Courage is one of those words used in all the motivational speeches today. It usually goes something like this: “Have the courage to put yourself first.” “Be courageous enough to live life the way you want.”

However, when I think of courage, I think of our military soldiers laying down their very lives for others. I think of Jesus who went to the cross, fully capable of escaping death, yet intent on saving each of us. I think of the great martyrs who refused to keep quiet about their faith in Christ, knowing the consequences beforehand. Somehow, the popular idea of courage falls flat.

Oh, I used to believe the cheap form of courage. It was easy to believe because it allowed me to do whatever I wanted, whenever I wanted. Who doesn’t want to give in to their own whims and get a wonderful label like “courageous”? But the truth is, I was a coward. I believed in God and had asked Jesus to be my Savior, but I was too fearful to do things His way. His way is hard- reading the Bible every single day (some of which I didn’t understand), giving up my free time by talking to someone I couldn’t see, and following all His rules (the major one being dying to ourselves). I did these things sporadically, and knew they would benefit me, but I always gave in to my way when it got a bit too hard.

Did you know that determination is a synonym of courage? Following God takes determination to give up our own way and desires in order to follow His. Many times He calls us to do things no one else is doing, to completely change our lifestyles, and to go against the majority, all while graciously putting up with the naysayers. It’s enough to make any normal person crack. But when we truly want to follow and love Him, He grants us an excitement as we see His workings and goodness throughout the journey. There are moments of difficulty when we FEEL deserted, alone, and foolish for choosing this way. Courage keeps us praising and choosing Him despite those feelings. We wait. We pray. We fill our minds with Scripture. We take our thoughts captive. We never lose hope, because we’ve seen His goodness before, and are convinced He’s waiting for the perfect time to show it to us again.

Courage involves going against what comes naturally to us- choosing to be under the authority of God rather than under our own; having a noble desire, but realizing that it may not be for our best; facing the death of our dreams and thanking God because His plan is better. Doesn’t it all sound counterproductive?

“For whoever would save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for my sake will find it.” Matthew 16:25

It’s true! This isn’t just life in Heaven; it’s life on this earth- abundant life, in fact! Yes, it’s hard, but in some way it’s also easier. I can only navigate life from inside this maze and with limited wisdom. My omniscient God sees it all with the entire past, present, and future in view. He sees my sin, too, yet chooses to use me to accomplish His purposes. I’ve had moments when I’ve sensed Him moving me to do things that seemed impossible- too hard and too good all at the same time. God has allowed me to desire the very things He’s called me to (things I wouldn’t have desired before) and has worked them all out for my good and His glory!

You may believe you’re too young or too old, not smart enough or don’t have adequate finances to do big things, but hold your horses! Our God is in the business of making the spectacular from nothing. He creates it through a process, precisely the way He created the universe. Following God is never boring. Scary? Yes. Tough? Mmhmm. Worth it? More than you can ever imagine!

Father, thank You for keeping Your promises and never letting us down when we fully commit ourselves to following You. Forgive us for our little faith and for wanting our own ways. Make us courageous, Lord. May we be ready to follow You with complete abandon to ourselves. When we are tempted to think our way will lead to greater success, help us to set our faces like flint in obeying You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

“Because the Sovereign Lord helps me, I will not be disgraced. Therefore have I set my face like flint, and I know I will not be put to shame.” Isaiah 50:7

“Wait for the Lord; be strong, and let your heart take courage; wait for the Lord!” Psalm 27:14

“She is clothed with strength and dignity; she can laugh at the days to come.” Proverbs 31:25