A member of our Sunday school class who has been away at college, as well as on a couple of mission trips, returned this morning to visit. The entirety of our time was devoted to hearing about her experiences and how God worked through her medical mission team to help and heal multiple people physically, and most importantly, spiritually. In listening to the details of how God directed and prompted specific actions through the prayers of these people and those who were praying for them back home, my soul was greatly encouraged. Add to this a sermon calling for us to place our eyes solely on Jesus rather than on our own attempts and plans throughout this time of great conflict, and I was ready to go home and face more battles.

After finishing lunch, I escaped to the front porch to do my daily Bible reading and found that today’s chapter was David defeating Goliath. How many times can I read this story and still get something new from it?? 1 Samuel 17 describes Goliath, a nine-foot giant, wielding an incredibly large sword and clad in the heaviest of armor. A shield-bearer went before him as an added measure of protection. Goliath would daily take his post, facing the Israelite army and mocking the name of God as he challenged each and every Israelite to come and fight against him. Perhaps the candidate that seemed the most equipped to go toe-to-toe with him was Saul, the king of Israel- a strapping, well-built, handsome fellow, that the Bible describes as being taller than any other Israelite from the shoulders up (1 Samuel 9:2). However, “when Saul and all Israel heard those words of the Philistine, they were dismayed, and greatly frightened” (17:11).

David, on the other hand, too young to fight and completely unexpected, could hardly wait for the chance to prove the power of his God to save him and all of Israel from this man who dared to blaspheme the Almighty. Though his brother despised him for his decision to fight, the king greatly doubted him, and the giant hurled insults and mockeries at him, David charged, entirely confident in his God, who had proven Himself faithful and mighty in grander moments than this one. True to His Word, the Lord enabled the collapse of this giant Philistine by using a youth with a slingshot. Once the other Philistines saw this, they were terrified and began to flee. Simultaneously, the entire Israelite army found its courage and began to pursue and slay them.

As I read this, I was reminded of my Sunday school class this morning. Just as the Israelites were encouraged by seeing God use one courageous boy, so one testimony from a fellow believer can embolden me and set my perspectives in order. I may be feeling utterly weak and even believing that defeat is imminent, when suddenly God strengthens me through a word from a brother or sister in Christ. As they wield the sword of the Spirit (the Word of God) along with the description of how God has used and helped them, I am encouraged to continue in the daily spiritual warfare of this life. I often face battles in my own head of which no one else is aware (as do all of us), and my temptation is to give in or feel sorry for myself. I cannot allow myself to close off from other Christians whom God has placed in my life to strengthen me. I also cannot stay silent when God has given me a testimony to share, no matter how I fear being mocked or insulted. Church and the fellowship of believers is of utmost importance, and I must strive to speak of how the Lord has guided and helped me each week. It could make much difference in the success of my friends’ spiritual battles, as well as my own.

Father, thank You for the great ability to meet with other believers. I pray You use each member of our church to speak the testimonies you give them each week that we may encourage one another and stir each other up toward love and good works. In Jesus’ name, amen.

“And the men of Israel and of Judah arose, and shouted, and pursued the Philistines, until thou come to the valley, and to the gates of Ekron. And the wounded of the Philistines fell down by the way to Shaaraim, even unto Gath, and unto Ekron.” 1 Samuel 17:52

“Let us hold fast the confession of our hope without wavering, for He who promised is faithful. And let us consider one another in order to stir up love and good works, not forsaking the assembling of ourselves together, as is the manner of some, but exhorting one another, and so much the more as you see the Day approaching.” Hebrews 10:23-25

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