This is one of my favorite books by one of my favorite authors. I haven’t shared many titles yet, but in case you’re wondering, my top three favorite non-fiction authors are Elisabeth Elliot, Ruth Bell Graham, and Sally Clarkson.

This particular book is by Elisabeth Elliot, who was the wife of missionary Jim Elliot. Jim was killed by the Huaorani people in Ecuador while trying to bring them the Gospel. Following his death, Elisabeth returned as a missionary to the same people, who eventually gave their lives to Christ. The Elliots’ stories are fascinating and mind-boggling. If you’re not familiar with them, look them up!

Keep a Quiet Heart is written in a somewhat devotional style. Mrs. Elliot relays lessons the Lord taught her in everyday circumstances to which all women can relate. The truths and wisdom she shares is so simple and yet utterly profound. If I had to strip it down to one main theme, it would be contentment in all situations based on our trust in God. If we truly believe He knows what is best for us, wants the best for us, and only sends or allows what is best, we will learn to be content in each moment of our day. Each struggle we face (including small annoyances) is sent to grow us. One example from the book that stayed with me was a time when Mrs. Elliot’s computer broke while she was in the middle of an important activity. She realized that instead of complaining and getting frustrated, she should thank God for the trial that would lead to her growth. What an eye-opening lesson for me!

This book can only be purchased from a used book store. Try finding it used on Amazon or at I hope you enjoy this book as much as I have!