Dinner guests. Birthday parties. Company over. What comes to mind when you hear these phrases? If you’re like me, visions of detailed cleaning and cooking instantly pop up. I want to make my home a welcoming, comforting environment for all who enter. Taking out the trash is always the last thing to be done before the guests arrive. Diaper odor just doesn’t send out the “Y’all come back now” message.

But you know what else makes people want to run for the hills? A negative spirit. There are times when I prepare my home and menu for days, consuming all my thoughts and time, and leaving no room for quiet time with God. When the big day arrives, I am too physically, mentally, and spiritually drained to bear any spiritual fruit for my friends and family. Though a smile is present on my face, there is an edginess that is undoubtedly felt by all. No matter how I try, I can’t fake the fruit.

I pray for the fruit of the Spirit to be present in my life almost daily that I may draw my family and others to God. It is a looong process (for me anyway). In the beginning it was so difficult as I was accustomed to giving into my desires and notions any time I pleased. However, though still tough, it is no longer the struggle it once was. As I stay connected to Christ- even if that means my house suffers- God grants these qualities. This is a priceless gift from God. He is faithful to pour out these sorts of gifts when we commit to doing things His way.

When company is coming, I am trying to reorder my priorities so that my guests feel the presence of the Lord in my home. Preparing my heart through prayer and reading God’s Word is key. However, I also want to make sure I am not doing anything to “quench the Spirit.” The only movies, images, books, music, and speech allowed in our home are uplifting. This applies even when our kids are not here or have gone to bed. I want to welcome the Spirit’s presence in my home at all times, not missing one encounter with Him because I chose something way less significant. The more junk I get out of my home, the more readily I perceive His direction and voice. My prayer is that God leads me in keeping the chaos and clutter out of our home so that when my husband, children, and others return from being out in the world, they are refreshed and strengthened.

Father, thank You for Your Spirit that dwells in us, guiding, correcting, instructing, and comforting us. Thank You for the immeasurable blessings You rain down on those who do their best to follow You. Forgive me for the times I quench Your Spirit. May I always be attentive and obedient to Your voice. Please allow others to be drawn to You through me, and may all glory go to You. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

“Do not quench the Spirit.”        1 Thessalonians 5:19

“If you turn at my reproof, behold, I will pour out my spirit to you; I will make my words known to you.” Proverbs 1:23

“Now the Lord is the Spirit, and where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is freedom.” 2 Corinthians 3:17

“And we are witnesses to these things, and so is the Holy Spirit, whom God has given to those who obey him.” Acts 5:32