Something Needs to Change by David Platt is the type of book that moves you past your immediate circumstances. (If you have ever read his book Radical, you understand this.) During a trip to the Himalayas, Platt faces extreme physical and spiritual poverty, leaving him with deep questions many are scared to ask. Though this pastor has led a church, preached many sermons, and studied and taught scriptures much of his life, he allows the reader to enter into his wrestling in his faith.

Many books speak of the need for Christians to reach out to the hurting world, and yet this book is quite different from others I have read. As Platt continues in his regular daily Bible reading, journaling, and prayer throughout his trip, he allows us to see how God speaks through His Word about each circumstance Platt faces. It is always fascinating to me how we don’t necessarily need to seek out a scripture for something we are facing if we are faithful in our regular reading. God embeds truths we need for those moments in whatever scriptures may already be on our daily Bible reading plan.

Something Needs to Change is filled with scriptures and spiritual insight; however, it is not easy or comfortable by any means. Be prepared to face some difficult questions and see into the suffering of others. Two questions I have taken away: Which is more important- meeting physical needs or spiritual needs? How is God wanting to use me to meet these needs?

Visit to view the book trailer. This site contains many other resources as well, including Platt’s sermon on the subject, a simulcast, and group Bible study books.